Emperor Mines

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Sector Information
Race Paranid
Security Level Border
Population 72,263,747
Planets 3
Sun Strength 100%
Sector Size 65 km
North-26,775 m8,700 m23,913 mCloudbase South West
East29,538 m0 m0 mParanid Prime
Universe Map


Encyclopedia Entry[edit]

The Ore and Silicon mines in this system provide mineral resources to the entire Paranid Empire. These energy hungry mines operate continuously, their workers dedicating their labor to the glory of Xaar. The Paranid Empire permits limited mining on the untapped asteroids in this sector, but only Paranid may enter the sacred mines on the 'rusty planet' XylaXaar.

Default Stations[edit]


Asteroid Coordinates (m)
Ore 17 4309 907 7324
Ore 13 -14633 453 10871
Ore 13 -23817 695 8113
Ore 9 -786 544 -16878
Ore 4 -21216 756 -4363
Silicon 17 -25117 302 -22885
Silicon 9 -15364 604 -19601
Silicon 6 -7141 471 7979
Silicon 6 8291 967 -3840
Silicon 4 6510 -7114 -3531

See Also[edit]

Paranid Navigation
Core Sectors Cardinal's Domain | Duke's Citadel | Duke's Domain | Empire's Edge | Paranid Prime | Priest Rings | Trinity Sanctum
Border Sectors Clarity's End | Consecrated Fire | Duke's Vision | Emperor Mines | Emperor's Ridge | Emperor's Wisdom | Friar's Retreat | Heaven's Assertion | Perdition's End | Perpetual Sin | Pontifex' Realm | Pontifex' Seclusion | Preacher's Refuge | Preacher's Void | Priest Refuge | Priest's Pity | Sacred Relic | Spring Of Belief | Third Redemption | Unholy Descent
Capital Ships M1: Zeus | M2: Odysseus | M2+: None | M7: Deimos, Agamemnon | M7C: Ariadne | M7M: Ares
Fighters M3: Perseus | M3+: Medusa | M4: Pericles | M4+: Theseus | M5: Pegasus
Escort Ships M6: Nemesis | M6+: Heavy Nemesis | M8: Hades
Transports TL: Hercules | TM: Helios | TP: Hermes | TS: Demeter | TS+: Snotra
Shipyards Cardinal's Domain | Duke's Citadel | Heaven's Assertion | Paranid Prime | Third Redemption | Trinity Sanctum
Racial Wares Soja Husk | Maja Snails | Soja Beans