Asteroid Belt

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Sector Information
Race Terran
Security Level Core
Population 22,773,115
Planets 0
Sun Strength 150%
Sector Size 120 km
North0 m0 m50,500 mJupiter
East61,250 m0 m0 mMars
South0 m0 m-42,250 mHeretic's End
Universe Map


Miners within this sector are constantly aware that their work is undertaken under the strict scrutiny of security forces, allocated to protect the jump gate recently located from Earth. The military presence here is sometimes overwhelming, and often intimidating.

Default Stations[edit]

  • Orbital Defense Station
  • Orbital Patrol Base


Asteroid Coordinates (m)
Ice 133 -48486 -1414 46956
Ore 51 -29144 -6743 -36497
Ore 50 39444 10034 -53742
Ore 30 45869 7425 49910
Ore 25 60218 924 44800
Ore 24 -14814 7818 58625
Ore 21 -36951 -15763 42739
Ore 20 17127 -6908 59609
Ore 20 -55392 -3339 -38759
Ore 18 36047 -3198 54080
Ore 18 21918 -7465 47012
Ore 17 51983 4506 20408
Ore 13 23733 -3383 54969
Ore 13 -25562 -7764 54257
Ore 13 -43581 7640 36865
Ore 13 -56089 -4114 1001
Ore 8 15321 5748 -42420
Ore 8 -30915 7109 -45267
Ore 8 -25587 -3981 -60330
Ore 4 -59694 -50 22583
Ore 3 44353 5221 -18043
Silicon 70 -4260 3833 -52787
Silicon 64 -52037 9520 -10576
Silicon 26 -24832 4488 35758
Silicon 26 -48909 9054 30055
Silicon 26 -12734 1995 27975
Silicon 13 -60103 946 8881
Silicon 13 21351 -6360 -15746
Silicon 10 -62014 7462 35710
Silicon 5 14556 -6048 -60627

See Also[edit]

Terran Navigation
Terran Factions ATF Aldrin Terran
Core Sectors Asteroid Belt | Earth | Jupiter | Jupiter 2 | Jupiter 3 | Kuiper Belt | Mars | Mercury | The Moon | Neptune | Oort Cloud | Pluto | Saturn | Saturn 2 | Saturn 3 | Titan | Uranus | Uranus 2 | Uranus 3 | Venus
Border Sectors

Aldrin | Aldrin 2 | Heretic's End | Terran Unknown Sector 1 (Megnir) | Terran Unknown Sector 2 (Althes) | Terran Unknown Sector 3 (Segaris) | Unknown Sector (7,4) | Unknown Sector (8,4) | Unknown Sector (8,5) | Unknown Sector (7,5)

Capital Ships M1: Tokyo | M2: Osaka | M2+: Kyoto | M7: Yokohama | M7C: Maccana | M7M: None
Fighters M3: Scimitar | M3+: Cutlass | M4: Sabre | M4+: None | M5: Rapier
Escort Ships M6: Katana | M6+: None | M8: Claymore
Transports TL: Atmospheric Lifter, Mobile Mining Base Ship | TM: Toukon | TP: Scabbard | TS: Baldric | TS+: Hayabusa
Shipyards Mars | Megnir (Terran Unknown Sector 1) | The Moon | Saturn
Racial Wares Carbo Cake | C-Ration | Hull Plating | Ice | Protein Paste | Terran EMP Rifles | Terran MRE | Vita Kai | Water