Oort Cloud

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Sector Information
Race Terran
Security Level Core
Population 147,285
Planets 0
Sun Strength 150%
Sector Size 80 km
East30,000 m0 m0 mPluto
South0 m0 m-49,000 mUnknown Sector (7,4)
Universe Map


Deemed to be viable Class IV mining operation by long-range scout vessels en-route to Proxima Centauri, the Oort Cloud remains largely untouched. Halfway between home and distant suns, few willingly choose to settle here. Those who do are often to succumb to Oort's Curse, a madness with no reason or cure.

Default Stations[edit]


Asteroid Coordinates (m)
Ice 44 -41513 6026 -33899
Ore 51 -29042 -6088 -37762
Ore 51 -17042 -6088 -39762
Ore 27 56864 14259 -28991
Ore 26 11027 -10855 30802
Ore 26 -50790 4918 8416
Ore 26 -55790 4918 3416
Ore 26 -24374 11616 -31181
Ore 25 6166 693 42710
Ore 25 46889 5864 -23031
Ore 23 27337 -10794 -36942
Ore 23 27337 -10794 -36942
Ore 22 56363 -9216 -22044
Ore 21 -59980 -5312 -17368
Ore 21 -35276 -5072 -21945
Ore 21 34565 -14558 -51367
Ore 21 32565 -14558 -60367
Ore 19 51967 4151 18177
Ore 18 11527 -8375 37362
Ore 18 20527 -8375 36362
Ore 18 28497 3105 33150
Ore 18 38497 3105 29150
Ore 18 25675 430 27506
Ore 18 33301 12482 26836
Ore 18 50197 10109 -17222
Ore 17 44635 -5178 22559
Ore 16 38044 13511 -20783
Ore 14 24800 8386 -37197
Ore 13 -39748 596 35269
Ore 13 -28988 6480 34100
Ore 13 20576 -3580 29460
Ore 13 -38988 6480 24100
Ore 13 18576 -3580 23460
Ore 13 -44748 596 21269
Ore 13 26957 4195 17971
Ore 13 31957 4195 13971
Ore 13 -47954 -1753 -13616
Ore 13 43700 -4770 -16310
Ore 13 42700 -4770 -28310
Ore 8 -22552 -6095 35481
Ore 8 25711 8332 11913
Ore 8 -58730 -37 -11437
Ore 8 -44400 -2504 -28550
Ore 8 -55513 6026 -28899
Ore 8 38167 4311 -37825
Ore 8 -40730 -37 -41437
Ore 6 40007 -3756 13806
Ore 6 44021 4401 -48258
Ore 5 -30200 -5465 26193
Ore 5 -27769 -1958 -20292
Ore 5 -29929 1144 -28494
Ore 5 -35769 -1958 -33292
Ore 5 -22929 1144 -43494
Ore 3 48461 14541 -34701
Silicon 40 23421 2795 -47619
Silicon 28 33648 18711 -31641
Silicon 21 56363 22262 -15313
Silicon 10 -51558 2930 -19187
Silicon 10 -47558 2930 -24187
Silicon 6 -19857 2875 -32610
Silicon 5 34679 3999 38338
Silicon 2 35346 13977 -42870

See Also[edit]

Terran Navigation
Terran Factions ATF Aldrin Terran
Core Sectors Asteroid Belt | Earth | Jupiter | Jupiter 2 | Jupiter 3 | Kuiper Belt | Mars | Mercury | The Moon | Neptune | Oort Cloud | Pluto | Saturn | Saturn 2 | Saturn 3 | Titan | Uranus | Uranus 2 | Uranus 3 | Venus
Border Sectors

Aldrin | Aldrin 2 | Heretic's End | Terran Unknown Sector 1 (Megnir) | Terran Unknown Sector 2 (Althes) | Terran Unknown Sector 3 (Segaris) | Unknown Sector (7,4) | Unknown Sector (8,4) | Unknown Sector (8,5) | Unknown Sector (7,5)

Capital Ships M1: Tokyo | M2: Osaka | M2+: Kyoto | M7: Yokohama | M7C: Maccana | M7M: None
Fighters M3: Scimitar | M3+: Cutlass | M4: Sabre | M4+: None | M5: Rapier
Escort Ships M6: Katana | M6+: None | M8: Claymore
Transports TL: Atmospheric Lifter, Mobile Mining Base Ship | TM: Toukon | TP: Scabbard | TS: Baldric | TS+: Hayabusa
Shipyards Mars | Megnir (Terran Unknown Sector 1) | The Moon | Saturn
Racial Wares Carbo Cake | C-Ration | Hull Plating | Ice | Protein Paste | Terran EMP Rifles | Terran MRE | Vita Kai | Water