Grand Exchange

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Sector Information
Race Teladi
Security Level Core
Population 34,458,106
Planets 5
Sun Strength 150%
Sector Size 90 km
North13,500 m-6,750 m30,712 mXenon Sector 598
East45,000 m0 m0 mTears of Greed
South0 m0 m-87,525 mMerchant Haven
West-37,519 m14,625 m0 mBelt of Aguilar
Universe Map


The Grand Exchange refers to the large skyscraper on the surface of Goldminer's Dream, the primary planet. The traders' exchange centre was supposed to control Teladi Company trade throughout the known universe. However repeated Kha'ak attacks on Teladi communications satellites halted the necessary communications.

Shipyard Availability[edit]


Station ST Size Cost
Quantum Tube Fab 13500 4,135,652
Drone Factory 14500 3,035,320
Satellite Factory 16500 831,024
Energy Bolt Chaingun Forge 16500 6,396,300
Flower Farm M 11000 360,004
Teladianium Foundry M 18000 811,548
Dream Farm M 9000 275,016
Sun Oil Refinery L 18000 2,125,024
Bliss Place L 14250 3,564,320
Solar Power Plant M 10500 4,648,552
Ore Mine M 8000 424,992
Silicon Mine L 14250 905,688
Complex Construction Kit 4250 259,696
Typhoon Missile Factory 17500 9,141,284
Low-yield sidearms Fab 15000 2,246,368
Energy Bolt Chaingun Ammunition Forge 12000 3,538,352
Gauss Cannon Ammunition Forge 12000 4,187,592


Ship Class Cost
Albatross TL 27,274,154
Vulture Super Freighter TS 632,667
Toucan TP 448,657
Pelican TM 470,629
Condor M1 67,952,727
Phoenix M2 69,283,911
Falcon M3 1,890,032
Kea M3+ 5,373,157
Buzzard Sentinel M4 680,991
Kite M4+ 921,380
Harrier M5 67,909
Kestrel M5 131,115
Osprey M6 15,223,732
Shrike M7 29,944,060

Default Stations[edit]


0 Known

See Also[edit]

Teladi Navigation
Core Sectors Ceo's Buckzoid | Grand Exchange | Greater Profit | Homily of Perpetuity | Ianamus Zura | Ministry Of Finance | PTNI Headquarters | Seizewell | Tears of Greed | Teladi Gain
Border Sectors Bad Debt | Blue Profit | Bright Profit | Ceo's Doubt | Ceo's Sprite | Company Pride | Company Strength | Eighteen Billion | Home Of Opportunity | Merchant Haven | Mines Of Fortune | New Income | Profit Center Alpha | Profit Share | Sanctity of Corruption | Scale Plate Green | Shareholder's Fortune | Spaceweed Drift | The Vault | Two Grand
Capital Ships M1: Condor | M2: Phoenix | M2+: None | M7: Shrike | M7C: Cormorant | M7M: Gannet
Fighters M3: Falcon | M3+: Kea | M4: Buzzard | M4+: Kite | M5: Harrier, Kestrel
Escort Ships M6: Osprey | M6+: Heavy Osprey | M8: Peregrine
Transports TL: Albatross | TM: Pelican | TP: Toucan, Geochen | TS: Vulture | TS+: Tern
Shipyards Ceo's Sprite | Grand Exchange | Ianamus Zura | Ministry Of Finance | PTNI Headquarters | Seizewell
Racial Wares Swamp Plant | Sunrise Flowers | Nostrop Oil | Space Weed | Teladianium