Profit Center Alpha

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Sector Information
Race Teladi
Security Level Border
Population 84,115,749
Planets 3
Sun Strength 150%
Sector Size 110 km
North10,500 m0 m55,980 mTwo Grand
East50,730 m0 m9,750 mPTNI Headquarters
Universe Map


Situated between two uninhabitable dust planets this relatively new Teladi system produces raw materials as well as light weapons for military and exploration ships. This system is earmarked by the Profit Guild for priority expansion and investment.

Default Stations[edit]


Asteroid Coordinates (m)
Ice 17 25425 -433 -35040
Ore 3 2547 -137 2174
Silicon 33 11652 -10881 6325
Silicon 15 22114 3603 20178
Silicon 15 5554 11007 5483
Silicon 11 -445 -7590 12232
Silicon 10 5626 -7723 6555
Silicon 10 5626 -7723 6555

See Also[edit]

Teladi Navigation
Core Sectors Ceo's Buckzoid | Grand Exchange | Greater Profit | Homily of Perpetuity | Ianamus Zura | Ministry Of Finance | PTNI Headquarters | Seizewell | Tears of Greed | Teladi Gain
Border Sectors Bad Debt | Blue Profit | Bright Profit | Ceo's Doubt | Ceo's Sprite | Company Pride | Company Strength | Eighteen Billion | Home Of Opportunity | Merchant Haven | Mines Of Fortune | New Income | Profit Center Alpha | Profit Share | Sanctity of Corruption | Scale Plate Green | Shareholder's Fortune | Spaceweed Drift | The Vault | Two Grand
Capital Ships M1: Condor | M2: Phoenix | M2+: None | M7: Shrike | M7C: Cormorant | M7M: Gannet
Fighters M3: Falcon | M3+: Kea | M4: Buzzard | M4+: Kite | M5: Harrier, Kestrel
Escort Ships M6: Osprey | M6+: Heavy Osprey | M8: Peregrine
Transports TL: Albatross | TM: Pelican | TP: Toucan, Geochen | TS: Vulture | TS+: Tern
Shipyards Ceo's Sprite | Grand Exchange | Ianamus Zura | Ministry Of Finance | PTNI Headquarters | Seizewell
Racial Wares Swamp Plant | Sunrise Flowers | Nostrop Oil | Space Weed | Teladianium