Spaceweed Drift

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Sector Information
Race Teladi
Security Level Border
Population 29,461,209
Planets 1
Sun Strength 150%
Sector Size 140 km
North0 m0 m58,310 mProfit Share
East46,060 m0 m-40,250 mGreater Profit
Universe Map


This system is jealously guarded by the Teladi as it contains scarce organic and mineral resources. The seas of Phobass IV produce kilometre-high waves - the best surfing in the universe bar none! The system has a thriving tourist trade based mainly on Boron day-trips to the planet's many underwater resorts.

Default Stations[edit]


Asteroid Coordinates (m)
Ore 15 -13710 -6256 -25714
Ore 8 21656 -1411 -31728
Ore 7 2052 -4480 -30705
Ore 3 13834 -3586 -44567
Ore 3 4268 9613 -51902

See Also[edit]

Teladi Navigation
Core Sectors Ceo's Buckzoid | Grand Exchange | Greater Profit | Homily of Perpetuity | Ianamus Zura | Ministry Of Finance | PTNI Headquarters | Seizewell | Tears of Greed | Teladi Gain
Border Sectors Bad Debt | Blue Profit | Bright Profit | Ceo's Doubt | Ceo's Sprite | Company Pride | Company Strength | Eighteen Billion | Home Of Opportunity | Merchant Haven | Mines Of Fortune | New Income | Profit Center Alpha | Profit Share | Sanctity of Corruption | Scale Plate Green | Shareholder's Fortune | Spaceweed Drift | The Vault | Two Grand
Capital Ships M1: Condor | M2: Phoenix | M2+: None | M7: Shrike | M7C: Cormorant | M7M: Gannet
Fighters M3: Falcon | M3+: Kea | M4: Buzzard | M4+: Kite | M5: Harrier, Kestrel
Escort Ships M6: Osprey | M6+: Heavy Osprey | M8: Peregrine
Transports TL: Albatross | TM: Pelican | TP: Toucan, Geochen | TS: Vulture | TS+: Tern
Shipyards Ceo's Sprite | Grand Exchange | Ianamus Zura | Ministry Of Finance | PTNI Headquarters | Seizewell
Racial Wares Swamp Plant | Sunrise Flowers | Nostrop Oil | Space Weed | Teladianium